Global CPAP Device Market Size Was 3618 Million in 2023

CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, which refers to the use of a mask to deliver a continuous positive airflow into the airway. A machine that provides oxygen in this way is called a CPAP device.
CPAP devices are mainly suitable for premature infants, newborns, infants, and children with acute pneumonia, pulmonary hemorrhage, type I and II respiratory failure, shock and heart failure, and hypoxemia. They can also be used for the rescue of people with nocturnal sleep apnea caused by snoring and acute heart failure.
Overview of Market Development and Analysis of Segmented Markets
At present, the global CPAP device market is showing a steady growth trend. On the one hand, with the intensification of population aging and the increase in the obese population, the prevalence of SAS continues to rise, driving the demand for CPAP devices to grow; On the other hand, the advancement of medical technology and consumer attention to healthy living have also provided strong support for the development of the CPAP device market. According to our research data, the global CPAP device market size in 2023 was $3618 million, among which the segmented market size of standard CPAP device was $2425 million, with a market share of 67.04%, occupying a dominant position.
In the coming years, with the further development of medical technology and the improvement of consumer health awareness, market demand will continue to increase. It is expected that by 2026, the global CPAP device market size will increase to $4497 billion.

Global CPAP Device Market Size Forecast and Market Segment Analysis  

Global CPAP Device Market Size Forecast and Market Segment Analysis

Analysis of Market Competition Pattern
From the perspective of market competition, the concentration of the global CPAP device market is moderate. According to our data, the total CPAP device production value of the top 3 companies in the industry in 2023 was $1501 million, with a total share of 41.50%. The top 3 companies were Koninklijke Philips N.V., ResMed, and Fisher&Paykel Healthcare. In 2023, these three companies accounted for 18.52%, 14.34%, and 8.64% of the global market for their CPAP device production value, respectively.

CPAP Device Production Value and Share of Main Companies in 2023


Production Value (Million USD)


Koninklijke Philips N.V.






Fisher & Paykel Healthcare







For more industry information, please refer to our latest released "2023 Global CPAP Devices Market Analysis Report, Key Competitors, Market Effect Factors, Growth, And Forecast".

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